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Do you have an area of your body that is bothering you right now?
Maybe it is a chronically sore neck, a knee that you injured a while ago and it just won’t heal or tightness in your shoulders that won’t go away.
Using these 7 steps will allow you to talk with that part of your body and open up the flow of conversation to and from that body part. I know this may sound crazy to some of you but when you talk with your body and really listen, it will tell you what you need. And often, you already know what it needs to heal, you just are choosing not to listen.
1. Lie down on your bed or yoga mat and listen to your breath. Follow this guided relaxation video to help you enter a relaxed state.
2. Bring your awareness to the top of your head and begin to mentally scan down through your body until you find a spot that is asking for more attention, awareness from you or is in need of healing. Be open to what you find as the area that is speaking to you may not be the area you originally thought needed healing.
3. Spend some time in that area… visualize what is happening in that part of your body. What does that part of your body look like on the inside?
4. Ask that part of your body what it needs from you to heal. The body is always moving towards healing itself and it will tell you what it needs. Often we are getting in our own way. Most likely, you already know what you need to do to bring healing- stay off that ankle, get more rest, drink less caffeine… but we rationalize our reasons for not doing it. We can’t slow down, there is too much to do, etc. But sometimes, your body will tell you something unique that you need to do. That whisper- as crazy as it may seem- needs to be listened to.
5. Continue your conversation with your body with these questions:
What lesson is that area or injury here to teach you?
If your injured area could express emotions, what would it be feeling right now?
How does it feel to be your [fill in your body part]?
Is it hard to support you/difficult to stomach the trauma/feel strangled when trying to talk?
6. Breathe a healing and loving color in and around that area… ask it what color it needs to heal. It will tell you. Go with the first color that comes up in your mind. That is your intuition talking. The second and third choices are your mind talking. Feel that area surrounded and bathed by the healing color, gently soothing and caressing that injured body part. The color protects and comforts that area like you would a new baby.
7. Continue to rest here for a few more minutes to allow for any other messages from your body to surface. When you are ready, gently roll to your side and slowly press up to a seated position.
Talking to your own body might seem really strange to you and may be difficult the first few times you try it. But when you slow down and quiet all the naysayers in your mind, you can begin to create a dialogue that taps into an inner knowing, a wisdom that is always present in the body.
I would love to hear if you have used this before or if you have any other tips to pass on or experiences you would like to share. Please share them in the comments below!
The post Can Talking With Your Body Help It To Heal? Try these 7 steps for yourself. appeared first on Everyday Chakras.